Introducing 2023 OWE Festival’s Royalty: John and Kim Howard

They came for the houses but stayed for the people.

And now, they have become some of the people who help keep us all so happy to be here. It may sound cliché, but that is exactly what drew this year’s King Wamba and Queen Sancha to the Old West End. 

“We knew it was a cool neighborhood,” the couple reminisced about their move. “Within just two weeks we knew all of our neighbors.” Today, those connections to neighbors and commitments to the neighborhood continue to grow.

I would like to introduce this year’s Old West End Festival Royalty. For the 50th Anniversary OWE Festival, I am honored to present King Wamba and Queen Sancha, John and Kimberly Howard.

“There are so many ways to extend your social network. There is always something to do so you can really connect to other people,” the duo mused. But John and Kim are not just people who CONNECT; they are CATALYSTS – drawing people together and bringing positive change. They’ve had friends and family visit the Old West End, with several of THEM choosing to call our neighborhood home.

Kim leads yoga Saturday mornings at the Ford. The cost: a donation to the Old West End Preservation initiatives. She also recently assumed the role of treasurer for our neighborhood association.

And John, well John simply embodies the spirit of King Wamba. Organizing a multi-course dinner complete with entertainment to support activities associated with the Old West End

Festival and compiling a 50 th Anniversary commemorative cookbook, John is gracious in giving both his talent and his time. Those are just TWO of the multiple projects he’s working on right now.

And speaking of projects, you all know the gorgeous brick multi-family building on Glenwood near Delaware? Glenwood Terrace. John and Kim are the driving force behind bringing this property back to life through their company, Red Doors of Toledo, a property development and management company. This is one of many properties they have worked to preserve in the Old West End and throughout the region since 2012.

“There is unlimited potential of what each of us can do to make a difference,” added Kim. “The social network is great, but we can work together to preserve this neighborhood and plan for the future. Each of us can play a role.”

As this year’s royalty Kim and John along with their hand-selected court will preside over the official opening of the 50th annual Old West End Festival on the steps of the Toledo Museum of Art following the King Wamba Carnival Parade which steps off Saturday, June 3 at 10 a.m.