Neighborhood Beautification & Improvement Grant 


The OWE is pleased to announce the Neighborhood Beautification & Improvement Grant (NB&I). This grant puts your ideas into action. The grant is to be used for projects the beautify, improve and enhance public areas of the neighborhood and cannot be used to improve personal property. More information about the grant and the application can be found here. In addition to providing grant money, NBI helps fund flowers for public planters maintained by volunteers and organizes litter clean ups in the neighborhood. We are always looking for volunteers to help with these initiatives. 


Grants will be awarded twice annually.
Deadlines for Review: April 30, October 31
Determination: June, December

We are excited to receive applications and put your thoughts and ideas into action.

If you have any questions, would like to get involved, or need clarification on anything, please contact Andrew Larsen at