Filtering by: Preservation Committee

10:30 AM10:30

Mary Manse Press Conference

On Friday, March 21 at 10:30 a.m. the Old West End Association and the Lucas County Land Bank will hold a joint press conference at the Mary Manse College/Epworth church at 2484 Parkwood, Toledo (corner of Parkwood Ave and W. Delaware Ave) in the OWE to promote the marketing and redevelopment efforts of the historic Mary Manse College/Epworth church.

All are welcome to attend and support our efforts of promoting this opportunity in the Old West End and the efforts to preserve this important historic structure in our community. 

(Rain date is March 24 at 10:30 a.m.)

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12:00 PM12:00

Old West End Preservation Garden Tours

The Old West End Preservation committee is bringing back the garden tours!

Sunday, September 22 from 12 noon to 5pm , visit 5 spectacular gardens with their fall blooms ( think hydrangeas, chrysanthemum, anemones, asters, Dalia’s) and the beginning of fall color changes on trees and bushes.

Visit at your leisure on this self guided tour. Tickets are $15.00 and include 2 glasses of wine ( or non alcoholic drink) and cheese and crackers on the patio of the Ford Home (Collingwood & Bancroft).

Tickets can be purchased at each home, cash or credit card accepted. Also available will be the Old West End Cocktail Cookbook. Proceeds from all purchases go directly to the Preservation Committee and their projects throughout the Old West End.

And…… here are the list of homes on tour! Don’t miss your chance to see these beautiful gardens in our neighborhood!

2015 Scottwood
2040 Scottwood
2514 Parkwood
618 Islington
2205 Collingwood

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6:00 PM18:00

O.W.E. Preservation Meeting

Location: Kent Branch Library

The Home Preservation Initiative presentation will include information about low-interest loans and personalized visits available to qualified home owners to review the maintenance concerns of your home, available loan programs and guidance with contractor estimates.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about contractor estimates and the process for obtaining low-cost loans for the bigger projects you have on your list. This includes, roofs, driveways, insulation, furnace, kitchen & bathroom remodeling and more, for the long-term care and enjoyment of your home into the future.

Please come join us for this special presentation.

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6:00 PM18:00

Old West End Preservation Meeting

The Old West End Preservation committee is sponsoring: The Lucas County Land Bank on April 15th at 6 PM at the Kent Library.

The Home Preservation Initiative presentation will include information about low-interest loans and personalized visits available to qualified home owners to review the maintenance concerns of your home, available loan programs and guidance with contractor estimates.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about contractor estimates and the process for obtaining low-cost loans for the bigger projects you have on your list. This includes, roofs, driveways, insulation, furnace, kitchen & bathroom remodeling and more, for the long-term care and enjoyment of your home into the future.

Please come join us for this special presentation.

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10:00 AM10:00

624 Delaware Workday

Lots of work to do!!! yard clean up, electrical prep work, Front steps need repaired/rebuilt.

Bring your power tools, yard tools, work gloves and your friends.

Volunteer time is critical to the project. Lots to do, so all skill levels are appreciated. Also great opportunity to learn skills from others.

Still looking for donations. Check your basements! Need a thermostat. wood cedar shingles, door handles, window hardware, anything else you think you have that would be usable in our renovations.


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7:00 PM19:00

Old West End Preservation Meeting

Please plan to attend our Preservation meeting Monday, January 15 at 7pm at The Ford.

Updates on the 624 Delaware Project, upcoming workdays in January. We will also be discussing ways to further engage the neighborhood, fundraising ideas and planning events for the coming year,

Hope to see everyone there.

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6:30 PM18:30

Preservation Committee Meeting

Our next Old West End Preservations meeting will take place on Monday, November 13th at 6:30 PM at the Ford Mansion located on Collingwood and Bancroft. We will have Judge Howe from the Toledo housing court at our meeting to discuss housing court issues related to the historic district. Please Park in the lot north of the Knight house entrance on Collingwood and look for sign.

Location: The Ford House, 2215 Collingwood Blvd.

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10:00 AM10:00

624 Delaware Workday!

October 21st at 10AM we will meet at 624 Delaware for a work day. We plan to do some salvage work at another property as well as working on some clean up work at 624 Delaware.

Salvage will be for hardwood floors and trim, so please bring with you: Cat claw crowbars, crowbars, carpenter hammers, cordless circular saw, cordless Sawzall, Flat shovels, gloves, mask , glasses or other safety equipment.

Everyone who goes to salvage property will be required to sign a release.

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